Choked Up

6:27 PM 0 Comments

Note: This was written Sunday, November 16 before we made Aliyah. I just did not have a chance to edit it and get it posted. Many more details to come about our journey.

I didn't expect it. Really, I didn't.

But today, I feel like I have been constantly with a lump in my throat paining to get words out of my mouth. Me, the guy who normally is able to rationalize away the world. Me, the INTP. I don't know why, but I really did not expect to get so emotional.

Today we said good-bye to many family and friends. And as I sit here and write this, many of them are still in the next room enjoying some time playing with the kids, sharing some scotch (thanks Jeremy), and enjoying each other's presence as our family is good at doing. We will be heading down to my parents' shortly, leaving Massachusetts and our wonderful memories behind, and on our way to the airport thereafter.

To the family and friends that are reading this and were able to attend: I am thankful for your love and support. As I said in my choked up speech, I felt very well loved today, and very well blessed to have been in your presence together in the same room where Rachel and I were married. As I said in my last post, places are important. Being in that place was important for me, as were other places I have visited in the last week.

But please don't get me wrong. Even though I am choked up because I am overwhelmed at how much support and love we are receiving, I am greatly looking forward to turning the page and seeing what lies ahead for Rachel, the children, and myself. The kids are excited, and I cannot wait to share their faces and their adventure with you.

And that is exactly what we are doing. Perhaps not as grandiose as say an Indiana Jones adventure. We are, nonetheless, embarking on an adventure. One that was started many years ago. That our story will be intertwined with the fabric of an entire country, and an entire people, is very humbling. That people care enough about us to wish us words of inspiration (and lots of sunscreen) is also humbling.

The two things that I have learned that matter most in life are the two things that seem to stick with us no matter what. Beyond the things that we own, and stuff that makes up our physical world, there are (1) memories, and (2) relationships. These are the things worth fighting for. Memories help create our self-identity. We are shaped and molded by our past experiences. Relationships help bring us forward. The bonds that we create with the people around us shape and mold our future experiences. May we always build great memories, so that we cherish them and use them to build our relationships. Together, these two things enrich our lives.


And now that my final blog post from State-side is wrapping up, I am looking forward to my future posts being a little more up-beat as we share with you life in the Negev.

להתראות/See you later

Thoughtfully written by:
